LAMSA BOD Meeting 1/12/17 6:30PM Attendance: Matt Avallone, Mike Bottos, Jon Haxton, Rocco Warren, Vic Blanchard, Roman Ferguson Lori Beaudoin, Chad Weko, Doug Hare, John Viselle, Danny Troche, Kevin Keese Reviewed and approved previous meetings minutes. Recapped previous issues -Door on the Snackshack has been replaced. -Reviewed and accepted rule changes -We are looking into a donation of aluminum light polls. Coaches Meeting is at 7PM on January 26th Downstairs at the Elks Lodge. Registation night is on February 15th at 6PM. Division placement will occur on Feb 20 and 23 and the announcements will be made on March 2nd. The board has decided and voted on implementing a $100 penalty if 1/2 of team fees are not paid on registration night.